Monday, December 8, 2014

the price of produce

Injustice is ugly, and I have seen the ugliness of this reality firsthand the past 6 months. The lifestyle isn’t fair. The oppression is real, and the suffering is great. 

The Los Angeles Times has begun an investigative series called the "Hardships of Mexico's farms, a bounty for U.S. tables."  It tells the story for many in Baja. Take a look here:

I don’t have to read an article like this to be totally distraught with sadness and feelings of helplessness. I actually didn’t make it down to the bottom without crying and having my heart broken.

I cry because I see the stories of our friends.  I see families that I have come to know and love so much. I see God's beautiful children like Sarah (above) growing up at a labor housing facility in San Vicente. I see homes without running water, electricity, or warmth this time of year.  I hear their sadness of being separated from family and living far from home for work.  I see physical pain from such labor intensive jobs, and the health problems that arise because of it. I think of payday when the earnings are often exchanged for alcohol, and the family that is left without proper nourishment. And I feel the tears we have shed together.

I also feel conviction. Conviction that we have a higher hope than the hardships we face in this life, and we as Christians are called to share it wherever we may be.

Jesus took our suffering, sin, fears and failures and squashed them when he went down the pit of hell and overcame darkness.

Darkness is looming in the fields of Mexico and across the whole Earth, but the LIGHT IS SO MUCH BRIGHTER.

We must be reminded of this daily. We can’t give up.  We have to be strong for our brothers and sisters that currently find themselves in this harsh environment. 

The church is so beautiful because the message of Jesus provides a higher hope. I have been a witness to the great things God is doing in 14 of His churches throughout Baja, and I know the same restoration is happening all across the world. 

Change is going to come. One person at a time. We can’t start at the top of the big corporate giants. We can’t begin to adjust the multi billion-dollar produce industry that Mexico provides for the US, but we can be vessels of hope. We can walk beside our brothers and sisters and believe in their dreams.

Lord willing, we have some new plans for 2015. 

I ask for your prayers!!! We need your help!

We are stepping out into the unknown and letting God takeover.
We are ready for continued spiritual warfare and cannot wait to go where He leads.  
We pray for more souls to come to Christ in this time of suffering.

Salvation belongs to our God! – Rev. 7:10

We are going to overcome by the power of our testimonies! – Rev. 12:11