Saturday, February 28, 2015

awe and adoration

Hi! I have been meaning to write for awhile now, but the words just haven't seemed to come.  I have been filled with so much wonder and praise for all that God has done in my life the past year and am just speechless.

This time last year, I set off for an exploratory trip to Baja. It was my first time back since my last high school mission trip in 2008.  My spanish was still trailing behind where I left it six years ago, I knew one person down here, and I was still a bit fuzzy on what I would actually be doing.  But I believed in my heart that God was calling me to missions, and this was an opportunity that only He could place before me, so I just said yes.

Needless to say, God has done such a huge work in my heart over this past year, and I am without words. He has placed the most amazing community of friends, family, co-workers, mentors, precious kids and beyond in my life. He has given me visions and inspirations for the women's ministry, one of which just came to pass this past weekend.

We had the opportunity to host a women's conference down in San Quintin last Saturday. Over 220 ladies from Baja came and 13 ladies from the States (one of which was my mom!). We studied 2 Corinthians 4:7 where Paul reminds us that we have a treasure inside our weakened earthen vessels to show the world that the power within us comes from God and not ourselves.

I'm just so thankful to be here and have a front row seat to all the things God is doing here in Baja. I am learning so much from these sweet women everyday as we desire to grow together in our relationship with Christ and share His love with those who are lost and lonely.

Take hold of your treasure! He is so good! To Him be the glory!

p.s. there are a lot more pictures from the conference on our Facebook page here :)