Friday, May 15, 2015

one year

"I will go before you and will level the mountains..." Isaiah 45:2 

May 13, 2014: I packed 2 suitcases and a backpack and boarded the Southwest direct flight to San Diego. Cruising across the border and arriving in an unusual heat wave, I spent the first few days in Mexico wondering what I may have gotten myself into.  No air conditioning meant waiting until the early morning hours until things were cooled down to the "normal indoor temperatures" that I was accustomed to. Controlled city water meant you could not always shower, do laundry or wash dishes whenever fit your schedule. A new language meant fear of bouncing around town on simple errands unsure of my abilities to respond to whatever may come my way. New relationships meant spending many weeks and months before forming friendships and having a place in this new home.

Now in reflection, I am so thankful to see how stepping into the unknown meant being open to experiencing God in new ways than I ever had before...

  • I have been comforted with the realization of never being alone.  No matter what corner of the world you may find yourself in, God created it and its people, knows all about it, and will guide you through it. 
  • I have become more reliant on God's promises and have seen the power in speaking His word over circumstances and understanding more fully that what He promised IS true. I have seen more clearly how we are all orphans in this world, and He will never abandon us. When troubles come our way, He is our perfect peace. When you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world, He is the only One capable to take your burdens.
  • I have learned that generosity comes from your heart and not from your budget. I have a new expectancy of seeing how God can use little for much.  In learning to rely more fully on Him, He has shown me how you can never out give Him. You are never losing anything but always gaining. "The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller."  Proverbs 11:2 MSG
  • I have seen beautiful examples of our main purpose in life to love. Created for relationship with God and others, we are all part of His family. Given unique talents and purpose, we don't have to compete.  Called by name and accepted, we can lend a hand to the hurting and a hug to the lonely. "Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8

While the physical and cultural differences seemed so large and alarming at first, the way God speaks through His word and His people has allowed me to see His steadfastness in every season.

I have learned a lot about myself this past year, and I hope to be able to use these things to be able to live and love to the best of my brokenness.  I have nothing but praise to give for safety, good health, wonderful relationships, many joys and hardships that have drawn me closer to the Father each time. 

I am so excited to continue this journey here and looking forward to a busy summer. Together we can accomplish much. 

Viva Mexico!

 "... so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things." Isaiah 45:6-7