Saturday, July 11, 2015

summer update

Hello all!!

Here on July 11, we are in the midst of our summer busyness! We are so blessed to have already had 10 mission teams come down this summer, and have plenty more to go!

I have not found the time to be able to write and reflect much, but I mashed up a little video from my first week of summer with my home congregation, Brentwood Hills. They spent the week down in Papalote.

Some of the activities shown here are similar to the ways we have been continually blessed with by the groups. Medical clinics, construction projects, Bible classes, food relief, home visits, and lots of smiles, hugs and prayers are shared as we celebrate the joy we have in Jesus.

I hope this small video gives you a glimpse at the generosity of all who come and serve here. Thank you to all who have supported these efforts financially, in prayer, or who have actually had the opportunity to come with a team.  May God multiply the sacrifices you have made.

Once again, I feel so blessed to be able to meet so many wonderful people during the summer and see first-hand a beautiful picture of the church over and over.

As the theme for the video shows, we are so blessed to be "one in the Sprit" united by the salvation of Jesus.

Please keep praying for us as we head out again today. May people see Jesus in all we do.
