Wednesday, August 26, 2015

one person at a time

"We've actually never been called to save the world.  We can't. We won't. But we can love the world
 — and we can love the world one person at a time."

- Jena Lee Nardella, Blood: Water 

Inspired today by this Tennessean write-up on this Nashville based non-profit:

Monday, August 24, 2015

changed by Your love

Well, the kids went back to school today, the vans are all washed, trailers unloaded, suitcases unpacked, laundry done, 17 groups have safely returned home, we have caught up on sleep and slowly slip back into the day-to-day life around Baja.

The 10 weeks of summer pass by so quickly, and I feel like I do not have the chance to process all of the wonderful things in the moment but in reflections after the fact. I have heard before how sometimes we are in the middle of a miracle and can't even see it. Perhaps that is the best way to describe the amazing summer we had in Baja this year.

I don't have a firm count, but we had over 450 people come and join us in missions this summer! 450! That's awesome. And each person representing unique talents, life experiences, background, age, etc. Many groups bring young teenagers up to the older generations. The combination of wisdom and energy that is produced is so special.

I am so thankful to have had the chance to work with 9 groups this summer. Throughout the busyness, I did not have time to blog after each week, but I want to share some of the special moments that touched my heart.

Working and serving with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we share all aspects of life together. In the medical clinics, I saw lots of hurting and sicknesses, hope from the doctors, and healing from the pharmacy. In the construction projects, I saw a lot of servants working tirelessly in the hot sun determined to leave a great finished product. In the home visits and food delivery, I saw lots of unity circled together in prayer and generosity in the form of rice, beans, oil, and flour. In VBS classes, I saw lots of little minds churning to the tune of interactive Bible stories and huge smiles rejoicing in the luxury of fellowship, snacks, love and attention. In the women's Bible classes, I saw breakthrough in sharing and opening up the Word together. In the team devotionals, I saw a lot of hearts forever changed by the love of the people here. In the coming and going, I saw tears shed at long-awaited reunions and having to say goodbye.

I am reminded that no matter where you are, every day is a precious gift wrapped up with wonderful blessings. I never want to take for granted these heartfelt moments and memories that God has given us. 

In such reflections, all glory, honor and praise be to our great God. Thank you for your prayers and being a part of the work here.

He is so Majestic. His timing is perfect. He is so good.

Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your majesty

- Michael W. Smith 

Photo: Lealand Shelton