Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Oh hello world!!

Can I just say I love reading other people's blogs and hearing new perspectives.  For a while now, I have put in my heart to get this blog going again. I have in fact already started blogging, but in my journal. So anyways, here goes a start to this oh-so-dormant Baja blog that needs life and revival once again. I've got lots of inspiration and lots of life events to share, but life is passing really fast and 2016 is off to a booming start. So, I must begin in no other place than sharing my HASHTAG FOR LIFE THIS YEAR.

That's right. Not sure who reads this blog- young, old or in-between.  If you're unsure of the real meaning of a hashtag, for practical's sake we will call it a life mantra. Something in this day in age that people rally around, find in common and use to define a moment or perhaps year in my case.


This is my mantra for 2016.

Rather simple it may sound, but the Lord just spoke to me about how so often we don't experience the best because of low expectations. We don't feel worthy that our God wants to give us the BEST of what he has. I've challenged myself to EXPECT the best but how do you get there?

He told me, the only way to get there is to take a step into His presence.

To turn the big and small moments over to Him each day because..

In Your Presence
Mountains sink into the ocean
And we stand amazed
In Your glory
Chains and prison doors are broken
Where your freedom reigns
In Your Presence

"In Your Presence" - Jesus Culture, 2016

As I write this, this song from Jesus Culture defines the beauty of His presence through my computer speakers so much better than I could. 

By #ExpectingTheBest, God tells me this is a chance to YIELD MY WILL. By making room for His presence, and having Heavenly expectations there is a shift. There is a shift in limited human perspective to boundless blessings from heaven!

So here's to 2016:
A year of the Lord's best

Let's hold each other accountable as we #ExpectTheBest
