Tuesday, March 1, 2016

sí, se puede!

You have to take that first step. 

You have to speak your dreams into existence.

- Jeremy Cowart

I totally relate to this testimony as someone who never felt to really exceed at anything. I tried all sports, and nothing really stuck. I did fine in school, but wavered in finding a career path. 

Like Jeremy, my creative and analytic sides took flight in advertising (thanks to process of elimination of college majors), and I really enjoyed the work, but felt drawn to a bigger-picture project than just sales.

When the opportunity to support the work in Baja came about, I am so thankful that I looked at all the reasons why I CAN and not why I couldn't...

I borrowed a Spanish for Dummies book from my grandmother(!) and said I CAN speak Spanish

I understood God's heart for his hurting children and said I CAN be hope

I allowed God to move the financial mountain in front me and said HE IS faithful to provide

We can do ALL things because HE IS faithful to clear the paths before us and make a way within us. 

It took me a long time to speak my dream into existence. It took me a long time to un-earth the dream. And when I had the chance to go, it still took me a long time to know how to share it with others. 

Sometimes we don't understand even a fraction up front but we can say: 

I CAN ______ because HE IS _______.

I CAN go because HE IS already there.

I CAN forgive because HE HAS forgiven me.

I CAN love because HE first loved me. 

I CAN trust because HE IS faithful

Jesus is so good!!!!    IMPOSSIBLE= I'M POSSIBLE 

Thanks Jeremy for sharing.