Thursday, October 23, 2014

just when you need it

Tuesday morning I was driving in to the office feeling a little bland and searching for a change up in the everyday routine.  I like mornings because you never know what a new day will bring.  So I was praying for a new encounter this day or a spark in my spirit to not be caught in a rut...

Well the day passes along. Boyd Buchanan school from Chattanooga, TN blessed us with their presence this week, and they were serving lunch to the babies and boys dorms when I walked in to refill my water bottle and was asked to share my story at the group's devo that night.

This really excited me because I love opportunities to share what I have learned in my faith journey especially since I was convicted on a mission trip here just as these students may be experiencing as well.

It was a great experience to be able to spend the evening with the group, and afterwards they gathered around me and had a prayer for me. It was amazing! I truly felt God's love in that moment and his reassurance for my work here.

It was such a blessing to receive that touch of the spirit just as I had been praying for, and I am so thankful that the Lord answered my prayer and gave me exactly what I needed!

What if I had never cried out to God that morning? I may have missed this opportunity to testify to his goodness and receive the blessing of his spirit once again through our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Thanks to this team reaching out to me and being a great encouragement just when I needed it this week.


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