Monday, November 2, 2015

motivation Monday

"The Great Commission and the Great Commandment are calling us out of our comfort zones and into the world’s brokenness. Jesus waits for us there."    
- Richard Stearns

Good piece on Global Missions:

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Our last group of the summer, we were blessed by getting to work with the Lipscomb University Softball team that came down for the first time. They hosted a softball clinic, painted, provided crafts for the kids, made home visits, and more. As with all groups, we had a wonderful time with them and are so thankful for their willing hearts to come and serve as a team. Their unity was evident and their joy contagious.

I love the hashtag they use "no borders." I too reflected on this concept in some of my early days of fear and anxiety in crossing the border to and from Mexico. It really did show me a different take of "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders."

God accompanies us wherever we go! I am always learning to trust Him more fully.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

one person at a time

"We've actually never been called to save the world.  We can't. We won't. But we can love the world
 — and we can love the world one person at a time."

- Jena Lee Nardella, Blood: Water 

Inspired today by this Tennessean write-up on this Nashville based non-profit:

Monday, August 24, 2015

changed by Your love

Well, the kids went back to school today, the vans are all washed, trailers unloaded, suitcases unpacked, laundry done, 17 groups have safely returned home, we have caught up on sleep and slowly slip back into the day-to-day life around Baja.

The 10 weeks of summer pass by so quickly, and I feel like I do not have the chance to process all of the wonderful things in the moment but in reflections after the fact. I have heard before how sometimes we are in the middle of a miracle and can't even see it. Perhaps that is the best way to describe the amazing summer we had in Baja this year.

I don't have a firm count, but we had over 450 people come and join us in missions this summer! 450! That's awesome. And each person representing unique talents, life experiences, background, age, etc. Many groups bring young teenagers up to the older generations. The combination of wisdom and energy that is produced is so special.

I am so thankful to have had the chance to work with 9 groups this summer. Throughout the busyness, I did not have time to blog after each week, but I want to share some of the special moments that touched my heart.

Working and serving with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we share all aspects of life together. In the medical clinics, I saw lots of hurting and sicknesses, hope from the doctors, and healing from the pharmacy. In the construction projects, I saw a lot of servants working tirelessly in the hot sun determined to leave a great finished product. In the home visits and food delivery, I saw lots of unity circled together in prayer and generosity in the form of rice, beans, oil, and flour. In VBS classes, I saw lots of little minds churning to the tune of interactive Bible stories and huge smiles rejoicing in the luxury of fellowship, snacks, love and attention. In the women's Bible classes, I saw breakthrough in sharing and opening up the Word together. In the team devotionals, I saw a lot of hearts forever changed by the love of the people here. In the coming and going, I saw tears shed at long-awaited reunions and having to say goodbye.

I am reminded that no matter where you are, every day is a precious gift wrapped up with wonderful blessings. I never want to take for granted these heartfelt moments and memories that God has given us. 

In such reflections, all glory, honor and praise be to our great God. Thank you for your prayers and being a part of the work here.

He is so Majestic. His timing is perfect. He is so good.

Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your majesty

- Michael W. Smith 

Photo: Lealand Shelton

Saturday, July 11, 2015

summer update

Hello all!!

Here on July 11, we are in the midst of our summer busyness! We are so blessed to have already had 10 mission teams come down this summer, and have plenty more to go!

I have not found the time to be able to write and reflect much, but I mashed up a little video from my first week of summer with my home congregation, Brentwood Hills. They spent the week down in Papalote.

Some of the activities shown here are similar to the ways we have been continually blessed with by the groups. Medical clinics, construction projects, Bible classes, food relief, home visits, and lots of smiles, hugs and prayers are shared as we celebrate the joy we have in Jesus.

I hope this small video gives you a glimpse at the generosity of all who come and serve here. Thank you to all who have supported these efforts financially, in prayer, or who have actually had the opportunity to come with a team.  May God multiply the sacrifices you have made.

Once again, I feel so blessed to be able to meet so many wonderful people during the summer and see first-hand a beautiful picture of the church over and over.

As the theme for the video shows, we are so blessed to be "one in the Sprit" united by the salvation of Jesus.

Please keep praying for us as we head out again today. May people see Jesus in all we do.


Friday, May 15, 2015

one year

"I will go before you and will level the mountains..." Isaiah 45:2 

May 13, 2014: I packed 2 suitcases and a backpack and boarded the Southwest direct flight to San Diego. Cruising across the border and arriving in an unusual heat wave, I spent the first few days in Mexico wondering what I may have gotten myself into.  No air conditioning meant waiting until the early morning hours until things were cooled down to the "normal indoor temperatures" that I was accustomed to. Controlled city water meant you could not always shower, do laundry or wash dishes whenever fit your schedule. A new language meant fear of bouncing around town on simple errands unsure of my abilities to respond to whatever may come my way. New relationships meant spending many weeks and months before forming friendships and having a place in this new home.

Now in reflection, I am so thankful to see how stepping into the unknown meant being open to experiencing God in new ways than I ever had before...

  • I have been comforted with the realization of never being alone.  No matter what corner of the world you may find yourself in, God created it and its people, knows all about it, and will guide you through it. 
  • I have become more reliant on God's promises and have seen the power in speaking His word over circumstances and understanding more fully that what He promised IS true. I have seen more clearly how we are all orphans in this world, and He will never abandon us. When troubles come our way, He is our perfect peace. When you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world, He is the only One capable to take your burdens.
  • I have learned that generosity comes from your heart and not from your budget. I have a new expectancy of seeing how God can use little for much.  In learning to rely more fully on Him, He has shown me how you can never out give Him. You are never losing anything but always gaining. "The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller."  Proverbs 11:2 MSG
  • I have seen beautiful examples of our main purpose in life to love. Created for relationship with God and others, we are all part of His family. Given unique talents and purpose, we don't have to compete.  Called by name and accepted, we can lend a hand to the hurting and a hug to the lonely. "Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8

While the physical and cultural differences seemed so large and alarming at first, the way God speaks through His word and His people has allowed me to see His steadfastness in every season.

I have learned a lot about myself this past year, and I hope to be able to use these things to be able to live and love to the best of my brokenness.  I have nothing but praise to give for safety, good health, wonderful relationships, many joys and hardships that have drawn me closer to the Father each time. 

I am so excited to continue this journey here and looking forward to a busy summer. Together we can accomplish much. 

Viva Mexico!

 "... so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things." Isaiah 45:6-7

Saturday, April 4, 2015

"We human beings don't realize how great God is. 

He has given us an extraordinary brain and a sensitive loving heart. 

He has blessed us with two lips to talk and express our feelings,

two eyes which see a world of colors and beauty,

two feet which walk on the road of life,

two hands to work for us,

a nose which smells the beauty of fragrance,

and two ears to hear the words of love." 

-Malala Yousafzai

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hello March!

Well, we had a flood.

Last month I moved into a different house with two friends here closer to work. It has been a great blessing living with them and not commuting. However we are still settling into our humble abode.

Rain was predicted. However "rain" here can sometimes be moisture in the air. For a place that is finishing up it's rainy season and has only gotten about two inches of rain this year, we weren't too concerned. As you may guess- it really rained, and our poor abode was certainly not ready. Long story short our "drain system" was clogged from never really being used, and the water found itself creating a nice lake outside our back door, and then helped itself right into the house. About two inches piled up quite quickly in the bedrooms and outdoor laundry/utility room. Needless to say we spent March 1, sweeping and bucketing, mopping and drying until it was finally under control.

On a positive note, our rain catchment systems at City of Children are all full. 10,000+ gallons were caught to be exact (ish) and the beautiful surroundings are greener than I have ever seen! Thank you God for rain!

Just a week or so after the ladies weekend, we had a group of 16 men arrive for the "Men's Encouragement Weekend." Over a two day span, we visited most all 15 churches and were truly blessed. We are so thankful for the leaders that continuously pray over and guide this work all throughout the year. Six men came down from Brentwood Hills which is always a fun time.

Up next: spring break has already begun here at City of Children, and our first group arrives Thursday. We are so excited to have THREE different Lipscomb groups coming down! Please pray for our continued work to spread the love of Jesus.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

awe and adoration

Hi! I have been meaning to write for awhile now, but the words just haven't seemed to come.  I have been filled with so much wonder and praise for all that God has done in my life the past year and am just speechless.

This time last year, I set off for an exploratory trip to Baja. It was my first time back since my last high school mission trip in 2008.  My spanish was still trailing behind where I left it six years ago, I knew one person down here, and I was still a bit fuzzy on what I would actually be doing.  But I believed in my heart that God was calling me to missions, and this was an opportunity that only He could place before me, so I just said yes.

Needless to say, God has done such a huge work in my heart over this past year, and I am without words. He has placed the most amazing community of friends, family, co-workers, mentors, precious kids and beyond in my life. He has given me visions and inspirations for the women's ministry, one of which just came to pass this past weekend.

We had the opportunity to host a women's conference down in San Quintin last Saturday. Over 220 ladies from Baja came and 13 ladies from the States (one of which was my mom!). We studied 2 Corinthians 4:7 where Paul reminds us that we have a treasure inside our weakened earthen vessels to show the world that the power within us comes from God and not ourselves.

I'm just so thankful to be here and have a front row seat to all the things God is doing here in Baja. I am learning so much from these sweet women everyday as we desire to grow together in our relationship with Christ and share His love with those who are lost and lonely.

Take hold of your treasure! He is so good! To Him be the glory!

p.s. there are a lot more pictures from the conference on our Facebook page here :)

Thursday, January 22, 2015


My brother, who is quite the global citizen using his medical genius to serve those in need, shared with me this awesome report from the Gates Foundation about the future in global development and setting optimistic bets for the alleviation of human suffering in years to come. The video above stood out to me for the type of work I am doing with Baja Missions. I am constantly reading, soaking up information, and encouraged by the notion of how important it is to invest in women.

A few years ago, I started praying for my heart to be broken for the things that break God's, and man did He open my eyes. I became so unsettled with injustice, I was determined to find how I could best use my gifts and passions to fight on behalf of those in need.

Of course we are small, but God is huge.
Of course we have limitations, but God is limitless.
Of course we are weak, but God is strong.
Of course we are finite, but God is infinite.
Of course we are imperfect, but God is perfect.
Of course we fail, but God never fails.
Of course we can choose to stop, but God is unstoppable.

The words above come from Christine Caine in her latest book, UnstoppableA champion for human rights in our generation and a soul on fire for the Lord, I had the chance to hear Christine speak at the The Belonging Co. when I was back in Nashville over the holidays. Her inspiration is contagious, and I highly recommend this book on "running the race you were born to win".

I am so thankful each day for the chance to be working here in Baja and the ways God has orchestrated generous givers like yourself for it to be possible. I am learning more each day how the will of God is not a place, but to know who you are in Christ- to know who you are in His presence.

And that's where I always want to be. In his presence. And leading others there as well. For in Him, we are unstoppable.

Let's keep believing and praying for God's restoration and healing here on Earth!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

trust and yarn

Looking back and reading my journal, it is so crazy the amount of fear that the devil tried to throw at me about trying something new. 

This past summer, in a restaurant parking lot, a spark went off for ladies to come with the mechanics group in January. Being the new girl with the least experience, trying new things with groups intimidates me a little. Not to mention, I don't even have many of the skills that we want to equip the women here with. But Jesus hasn't given us these visions for the women's ministry for nothing.

In prayerful preparation, he reassured me that our real mission for this week was to: encounter God through prayer, be a blessing with our presence, and encourage our sisters with the message of God's love. That's it! Gone are all the other meaningless stresses and worries.

Sweet Deb and Courtney from Virginia arrived with many suitcases packed with hours of organization and love. Prayer journals, bags, yarn, needles, fabric, a HUGE bag of stuffing, you name it, they brought it. And oh what a blessing it was!

We had the best week. God blessed our time together so much. They each taught knitting and sewing (even a little friendship bracelets and hair wraps for the young ones were thrown in before the week was over). We were able to have 3 days of class in Maneadero, 1 in Colonet and 2 days in Papalote. We all had lunch together each day and did home visits in the afternoons with the surrounding congregations.

It was tiring, but God sustained us. It was so amazing to see the work ethic of the ladies and hear what other things they are passionate about. We are excited for similar classes to continue with the local talent (turns out crocheting is pretty popular around here). The joy of being together in community was evident, and we focused devotional thoughts on being found in God wherever we may find ourselves this year. Doubting, scared, lonely, rejoicing, working- we can always be found in Him. In his peace, purpose, goodness and love.

We are going to hold on to our Anchor who has given us dreams and visions. We are going to TRUST and not grow weary.

Praise God for the safety and excitement of this past week. Thanks again to Deb, Courtney and the ladies of the Southside Church in VA for sending so much love and prayers.

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; 
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hears to him,
for God is our refuge

Psalm 62:5-8