Tuesday, January 20, 2015

trust and yarn

Looking back and reading my journal, it is so crazy the amount of fear that the devil tried to throw at me about trying something new. 

This past summer, in a restaurant parking lot, a spark went off for ladies to come with the mechanics group in January. Being the new girl with the least experience, trying new things with groups intimidates me a little. Not to mention, I don't even have many of the skills that we want to equip the women here with. But Jesus hasn't given us these visions for the women's ministry for nothing.

In prayerful preparation, he reassured me that our real mission for this week was to: encounter God through prayer, be a blessing with our presence, and encourage our sisters with the message of God's love. That's it! Gone are all the other meaningless stresses and worries.

Sweet Deb and Courtney from Virginia arrived with many suitcases packed with hours of organization and love. Prayer journals, bags, yarn, needles, fabric, a HUGE bag of stuffing, you name it, they brought it. And oh what a blessing it was!

We had the best week. God blessed our time together so much. They each taught knitting and sewing (even a little friendship bracelets and hair wraps for the young ones were thrown in before the week was over). We were able to have 3 days of class in Maneadero, 1 in Colonet and 2 days in Papalote. We all had lunch together each day and did home visits in the afternoons with the surrounding congregations.

It was tiring, but God sustained us. It was so amazing to see the work ethic of the ladies and hear what other things they are passionate about. We are excited for similar classes to continue with the local talent (turns out crocheting is pretty popular around here). The joy of being together in community was evident, and we focused devotional thoughts on being found in God wherever we may find ourselves this year. Doubting, scared, lonely, rejoicing, working- we can always be found in Him. In his peace, purpose, goodness and love.

We are going to hold on to our Anchor who has given us dreams and visions. We are going to TRUST and not grow weary.

Praise God for the safety and excitement of this past week. Thanks again to Deb, Courtney and the ladies of the Southside Church in VA for sending so much love and prayers.

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; 
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hears to him,
for God is our refuge

Psalm 62:5-8

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