Monday, June 2, 2014

meet Flora

Today, I had the chance to meet Flora. Flora lives in Zorrillo and is one of 9 children. She is in kindergarden but does not really like school. Her mom said her friends at school are not very nice, but she knows that God is her best friend. She likes going to church. 

The group from Campbell Street Church in Jackson, TN began building a house for Flora's family today. We had a prayer and song on the foundation and visited in the house down below with the white cross on top (which I thought to be their current house for all 9).  Afterwards the mom (also named Flora) shared with me that it is where her son and his family live.  She took me back behind the house to show me where she and the other kids sleep.  She pointed to some blankets tied up under a crumbling roof covering. There. No real walls, just an enclosure. Looking around, she also pointed to where the rats can be found. 

Sometimes these moments can happen so fast and are tough to process an instant.  Because of their display of joy and contentment, you do not sense that they are unhappy. They credit God as their provider and healer and are happy to have each other.

I am so thankful for Franco and Yolanda and their ministry with the church in Zorrillo. Please pray for this community.  We saw another group here from Alabama also building a house (down the hill). What a blessing it is to be called God's children and be united as family in all corners of the world. 

Thank you Flora for reminding me today that Jesus is our best friend! 

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