Saturday, June 14, 2014

the sound of Heaven touching Earth

You are the God who saves us!

Last week was amazing and really special for me because my home congregation, Brentwood Hills, was here and my mom and brother were able to visit Baja for the first time.

The week proved to be quite interesting when I was placed to work in the medical clinic as a translator. I know very little about the medical world (much less in Spanish) and was a little nervous. Throughout the week we discussed how it is through our brokenness that Christ allows us to be givers allowing His strength to shine through us in our weakest moments. Until we get to that point, we are often content with relying our on human abilities and understanding.  This team worked tirelessly all week in Papalote, and we had the chance to see God work in mighty ways through our brokenness.

Our inadequacies in the clinic came from a lack of equipment or medicine that many of the patients needed, but I saw first hand that what they really needed was the love and comfort that can only come from Jesus.  Without all of the right solutions, we could offer prayer and hugs of understanding during tough times and affirm our trust in Him together.  

One experience I would like to share came from our sweet friend Tania. She is 22 and came with complaints of heartburn. We narrowed it down to being caused by stress, and she shared that her grandmother has been really sick, and they have a really close relationship. Knowing that just giving her Tums would not take away her sadness, we joined hands and went to God in prayer seeking comfort and peace for this family.

The next day, we had the opportunity to witness Tania give her life to Jesus and be baptized!! I had only known Tania for a little over 24 hours, and I was totally overcome with emotion seeing her heart  responding to follow Jesus. I can only imagine how God feels hearing the precious souls he created confess their faith him Him and be raised to new life.  We are so excited to have a new sister in Christ! 

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

I also added a short video recap of some of the work that has been taking place here under the Videos page up top, or it can be found here. So thankful for a great first month!!

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