Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pescadores de Hombres

And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."- Matthew 4:19

 This past week, I had the opportunity to work with the Fairlane Church of Christ from Shelbyville, TN. They were staying at the City of Children and had lots of fun activities about being "Pescadores de Hombres" (Fishers of Men) for the kids.  They also served one of the new Baja churches, Chapultepec, here in Ensenada. They built the roof for the church building and visited many of the members sharing words of encouragement, food bags, toiletries, and love bears.  Meeting under a tent for many months, we could tell how excited the congregation is about the progress of the building but more importantly filling it with "souls for Christ" as one man said.

Please pray for the work here in Chapultepec and the preacher, Arturo, and his wife Irma as they spread God's love in this community.

 Today, I am off to Colonet for the week joining a team from Lewisburg and Cookeville, TN!

To God be the Glory! Have a great weekend!

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