Monday, July 28, 2014

grand finale

My last week with the Baja Missions summer groups was spent with a blended team from Florida to California that came to support the church in Vicente Guerrero and Oasis. Oasis is a Christian after school program for children that helps with homework, provides computer classes, teaches the Bible and English, and provides a warm meal. It is very common for kids to be left alone all day when their parents are at work without any supervision with the responsibility to care for the rest of their siblings. Oasis provides a safe place for children to learn, grow and be loved.

The group installed a new water system at Oasis and added on a storage space, an extra bathroom and an office for the director, Karly. Karly moved from the U.S. 3 years ago and began this program. They now have over 90 kids enrolled with a waiting list of about 30.  Located across the street from the church, they have a great partnership and are making a great impact on the community.

Besides construction, the group hosted a VBS at the church in the morning and a traveling medical clinic.  We sat up the clinic at the Oasis building, Trique village (people originally from Oaxaca who speak Trique), the church in Colonet, and Las Aves (a nearby area to Vicente Guerrero).  

We had a great week with the church members and enjoyed partnering together to serve a small portion of the surrounding community. We had a joyous ending to the week with a wedding in the afternoon and a baptism later that night for our brother Isaac. God is good!

We have one last team here now with Baja Missions from Ohio working with the church in Camalu. Please pray for these efforts! It has been a crazy whirlwind working with groups since the end of May. We are so thankful for all of those who take time out of their summers to serve God's kingdom in Baja.  Dios bueno es!

looking backwards

I got to spend the week of July 13 with a group from Massachusetts, Texas, and Virginia. This was their first time coming as their own group, and we had a great week serving in Papalote.  The group planned fellowship activities for the first three nights having a cookout, movie night, and game night. It was great to see the participation and community that has formed at this church in just one year.  The last 2 nights, they hosted a VBS with classes for the children and adults. The kids learned about the armor of God and created some of their own armor in crafts.  

During the day, this team worked tirelessly at the building. They painted the entire inside of the church building and finished out the front wall, put up the walls for the classrooms and painted them, installed door frames and exterior lights, re-touched paint on the exterior walls and much more. Also, the team made almost 30 house visits. They had a doctor who was able to provide medical attention on some of the visits and delivered benevolence bags with bath soap, towels, and detergent.  For a team of 19 people, each person used their gifts in great ways and served with great joy.

Thursday morning, Alfonso and Angie took us out to La Lobera a beach lookout south of Papalote. There was a big hole that you could look down into and see sea lions swimming around. It was a beautiful way to end a great week! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Hola amigos! It is safe to say Baja summer is in full blast, and I struggle to find the time to give a couple updates about the blessings God has been sending us lately. Two weeks ago now, I worked with the second team from Mayfair. Over 90 people came down to serve that week, and it was an action packed blast. They had a full medical clinic during the days, renovated the teen classroom, made numerous house visits and evangelized in surrounding neighborhoods, had a special lunch for the teen girls with painting, set up a full barber shop outside and gave numerous haircuts, participated in a spirited Mexico vs. USA world cup soccer game with home made jerseys, and had a powerful VBS focused on reviving our heart, mind, soul and hope.  I had a chance to give the ladies' class on hope Wednesday night, and it was a great blessing to share each night with them. We are so thankful for the work and dedication that Mayfair provides year around for Baja. It was so neat witnessing many friendships that were formed many years ago.

I am just returning from a great week in Papalote with a team that came together from Massachusetts, Texas, and Virginia. Angie described it best when she said "Normally we receive small blessings a little at a time, but right now I feel like they are pouring down."

The blessings continue to pour in today as we set out for Vicente Guerrero with the Oasis group. Please pray for this work!! Dios les bendiga!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

family and sacrifice

These two words have been on my mind this week.  I spent the past 6 days in San Quintin with a youth group from Mayfair in Huntsville, AL.  This was the first time they have brought specifically teens, and it was a blast.  One of my favorite things was getting to witness many families serve God together. There were various parents and kids, whole families, and even 3 generations in the group.  It was exciting to see the passion these parents have for putting God first and the amazing ways we experience His love serving together.

During the week, it was also fun to see the families to introduce their sons/daughter/parents/siblings to our brothers and sisters here at the church in San Quintin.  We were extremely touched by the family we were building a house for and learned what being a family is all about.  We heard amazing stories of their sacrifice for one another and the love that they have as we got to know them throughout the week.  This family had been living in a one room house made out of cardboard with an open roof.  It had one bed where the six kids slept, and the parents slept on the floor. We learned that the parents work in an onion field about an hour away, and the mom wakes up a 3 am to start a fire to prepare lunch for the kids before she and her husband leave for work before sunrise.

Thanks to God's provision, this group built the family a new two bedroom house with new beds, mattresses and a stove.  It was a very emotional morning as the group said goodbye celebrating our bond as a church family as our hearts were broken in awe of how hard these parents work to provide for their children.  They taught me about what it really means to love someone so much to sacrifice everything for them.  I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to meet this sweet, loving and humble family and am looking forward to spending more time with them.  I am shaken with a new image of the great love God has for us to sacrifice all he had to give us a better life as His children.

Lord willing, we are headed back down to San Quintin this weekend with another group from Mayfair. Dios bueno es!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cookeville, Colonet and Lewisburg

Well things have been moving muy rapido around here these days, and God continues to bless us with great opportunities to live and serve for His kingdom. Last week, I was able to join a group from Lewisburg and Cookeville for a great week in Colonet. 

This team was very active all week and just to sum up a few highlights:  They hosted their first medical clinic and treated over 400 patients.  They tested vision and provided many with their first pair of glasses, gave physical therapy care to many aching joints from extremely strenuous jobs in the fields, treated lots of infections, provided hundreds of vitamins, and pulled over 130 teeth. The construction team built a new outdoor patio at the church, a new house for a church family, repaired a roof for sister Norma (who was also baptized on Sunday!), and put up a new gate at the church.  Also teams painted a new church sign, repainted the preacher's house, made lots of home visits (during which a 15 year old girl received her first dress), held a 2 night VBS and cornhole tournament, and shared more hugs and love with this community than can be recalled!!

We are so thankful for Antonio and Dulce and their leadership in this community and allowing this week to happen. They had many friends and relatives come in town for the week to help with cooking, translating, teeth pulling and so much more! It was so special seeing these bonds form and seeing others experience Jesus' love in a new culture for the first time. Gloria a Dios!!

I am currently on a youth group trip from Mayfair Church of Christ in Huntsville. We are having a great week in San Quintin! Thanks for all the prayers! Stories to come soon!