Saturday, July 19, 2014


Hola amigos! It is safe to say Baja summer is in full blast, and I struggle to find the time to give a couple updates about the blessings God has been sending us lately. Two weeks ago now, I worked with the second team from Mayfair. Over 90 people came down to serve that week, and it was an action packed blast. They had a full medical clinic during the days, renovated the teen classroom, made numerous house visits and evangelized in surrounding neighborhoods, had a special lunch for the teen girls with painting, set up a full barber shop outside and gave numerous haircuts, participated in a spirited Mexico vs. USA world cup soccer game with home made jerseys, and had a powerful VBS focused on reviving our heart, mind, soul and hope.  I had a chance to give the ladies' class on hope Wednesday night, and it was a great blessing to share each night with them. We are so thankful for the work and dedication that Mayfair provides year around for Baja. It was so neat witnessing many friendships that were formed many years ago.

I am just returning from a great week in Papalote with a team that came together from Massachusetts, Texas, and Virginia. Angie described it best when she said "Normally we receive small blessings a little at a time, but right now I feel like they are pouring down."

The blessings continue to pour in today as we set out for Vicente Guerrero with the Oasis group. Please pray for this work!! Dios les bendiga!

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