Monday, July 28, 2014

looking backwards

I got to spend the week of July 13 with a group from Massachusetts, Texas, and Virginia. This was their first time coming as their own group, and we had a great week serving in Papalote.  The group planned fellowship activities for the first three nights having a cookout, movie night, and game night. It was great to see the participation and community that has formed at this church in just one year.  The last 2 nights, they hosted a VBS with classes for the children and adults. The kids learned about the armor of God and created some of their own armor in crafts.  

During the day, this team worked tirelessly at the building. They painted the entire inside of the church building and finished out the front wall, put up the walls for the classrooms and painted them, installed door frames and exterior lights, re-touched paint on the exterior walls and much more. Also, the team made almost 30 house visits. They had a doctor who was able to provide medical attention on some of the visits and delivered benevolence bags with bath soap, towels, and detergent.  For a team of 19 people, each person used their gifts in great ways and served with great joy.

Thursday morning, Alfonso and Angie took us out to La Lobera a beach lookout south of Papalote. There was a big hole that you could look down into and see sea lions swimming around. It was a beautiful way to end a great week! 

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