Monday, July 28, 2014

grand finale

My last week with the Baja Missions summer groups was spent with a blended team from Florida to California that came to support the church in Vicente Guerrero and Oasis. Oasis is a Christian after school program for children that helps with homework, provides computer classes, teaches the Bible and English, and provides a warm meal. It is very common for kids to be left alone all day when their parents are at work without any supervision with the responsibility to care for the rest of their siblings. Oasis provides a safe place for children to learn, grow and be loved.

The group installed a new water system at Oasis and added on a storage space, an extra bathroom and an office for the director, Karly. Karly moved from the U.S. 3 years ago and began this program. They now have over 90 kids enrolled with a waiting list of about 30.  Located across the street from the church, they have a great partnership and are making a great impact on the community.

Besides construction, the group hosted a VBS at the church in the morning and a traveling medical clinic.  We sat up the clinic at the Oasis building, Trique village (people originally from Oaxaca who speak Trique), the church in Colonet, and Las Aves (a nearby area to Vicente Guerrero).  

We had a great week with the church members and enjoyed partnering together to serve a small portion of the surrounding community. We had a joyous ending to the week with a wedding in the afternoon and a baptism later that night for our brother Isaac. God is good!

We have one last team here now with Baja Missions from Ohio working with the church in Camalu. Please pray for these efforts! It has been a crazy whirlwind working with groups since the end of May. We are so thankful for all of those who take time out of their summers to serve God's kingdom in Baja.  Dios bueno es!

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