Thursday, May 29, 2014


Perhaps in tune with Memorial Day week, freedom is on my mind today. Here in Mexico, I do not have many of the same freedoms as I do at home.  One freedom that I have often taken for granted is one of familiarity. I made it my goal the first day I was here to always have a list of good things that out weigh the bad/different ones of living in a new place. And just when the negative thoughts start rushing into my mind about how I don't know my way around, frustrations with broken spanish conversations, etc.- Jesus reminds me of all the freedoms I DO have:

I do have the freedom to study the Bible and worship God here. 
I do have the freedom to choose joy despite any circumstance. 
I do have the freedom to show love which transcends all communication barriers.
I do have the freedom to learn and grow from this awesome community.

What a blessing!!

This has been an amazing week spending time with the group from Granny White Church of Christ.  I have been quite reminiscent about my first trips to Baja with this same group.  These students have been overflowing with love and laughter this week with the kids here at City of Children and working with the Colonia 89 church.  They have been busy bees and managed to build the biggest house Baja has ever built!  I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to go out on all the home visits with them delivering food, singing and praying with various church members and their families. What a blessing it is to witness their servant hearts and sharing the abundance that God has given them. 

Please pray for their safe travel back home to Nashville tomorrow! 

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